Beat Poem by Chelsea Lovelady


The line jumps
The masks are on
I have always sung this single song
No one ever heard what was wrong
The drum beat like army steps
Never to rest

The stars weren’t out the moon didn’t shine.
I took David’s prayer as mine.
Orders given
My beat risen
I’m now alone in my tune
Is there doom?
He can see inside
He knows the ruin
He sets his drum next to mine
He walks to me in a line

My beat it stops
I flat line
Panic rushes in
Sounds all around
Then… no one makes a sound
The man in charge holds up his hands
He has a plan
He reaches for something
Then looks inside
He can hear what I thought I could hide
The swap made
The heist complete
Now everyone can hear that soft beat

He falls to the ground.
The deed now done
The victory has yet to be won.

The beat gets loud
The screams more resound
Everything a haze
Than, I see that gaze
Was it a dream?
It didn’t quite seem

The waves beat against the shore
But I’ve never noticed this beat before
Drums beat a rhythmic tune
But this beat makes my heart swoon
I know this song
I’ve heard it before
It makes the sound of a loud roar

My steps off beat, but somehow in tune
He takes my hand and holds it high.
Than down a again with a sigh.

Look! That sound, that song, that beat
It was his, but now our beats meet.

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