Before I Wake Poem by Kevin Wondrash

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Kevin Wondrash

Kevin Wondrash

Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA

Before I Wake

Everything is about to change
I have to wake up
I’ve been stuck in my self all night adding to my dreams, thinking they would all come true
Reality is nearing, as soon as my eyes open, they will all be gone

It’s a cruel trick, I know where I want to go, but I don’t know how to get there
I just always thought everything would fall into place and I would make it there
Where am I really going? Where am I going to end up? What is real and what is dream?

Like any dream, it’s only real in my mind
It only means something to me
Like any dream, I cannot put the whole thing into words for others to understand
Only I know what is, and what I want

It’s so real to me
Making a masterpiece of Earth’s sweet tapestry
All eyes on me, all ears on me, all hearts with me
My happiness with eyes open and closed keeps me going
Why cannot I share it with the world?
What can I do to make everyone see the beauty in me?

Is it unfair to me, or unfair to the world, that my dreams don’t come true?
Would they mean more to them than me?
Am I greedy or a giver?
Somehow, someway, what is meant to me will happen
I do not yet know my role, though.
I will either smile forever, or hurt for life
Either way, it is meant to be

I can make our home an amazing world
I lift us high to the heavens
I can make tomorrow just a little better than yesterday
Why don’t I? Why don’t I? What holds me back?
I am stuck in the dream
I focus on the end and not the beginning

Where can I find the beginning? How do I know I am going in the right direction?

I’m losing myself now in his “Moonlight Serenade”
And all the illusion that comes with it, of times past, present, and future
It adds to the dream
I can do that, I can do that again, I can do that better

You think I never smile, but I grin more than you know
You might call it my fantasy world, I call it our future
If we put it all together, we will find the answers to millions of unanswered riddles
Trust me, my loves, trust me, I know where to go, help me get there, we can do it

I pray I have been given a gift to dream what I do
What is holding me back? What do I do with the gift?
Is the gift only for me, and no one else?
Where is the greed in sharing what I feel?

I need someone to trust me
Am I to trust alone?
I yearn to be whole before I awake
I yearn to fill the emptiness
Will my dreams make my dreams come true?
Or, do I wait for tomorrow’s dream?

Either way, I have to rid myself of the hurt and the pain knowing I have to wake up and end the dream
Either way, the dream ends and life continues
I could forget and move on and grasp what is real and in front of me
I could yearn to be asleep again and fight the hurt of that bliss that will never be real
I could forget and live beyond my wildest dreams
I could yearn to feel it again and make it all come true

Whatever sunrise brings, no matter what happens after I wake, it was real to me for a short time
Where and when time has no meaning, my dreams lasted forever
That will never go away

I have a choice
Stay in the dream, wake up and move on, or wake up and make it all come true
No matter what, dawn is approaching, a new day is coming, I cannot stop it
It will never be again as it was in the night, it can either be better or worse
Everything I want was in the dream, is it meant to be?
What can I do? Where can I go? Who can I trust?
What’s next?

This unexplained emotion inside me takes me over
Look at me, tell me what you see
What would you do if you were me?

I’m either a genius, or this makes no sense
Either way, it was real to me.

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Kevin Wondrash

Kevin Wondrash

Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA
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