Being Invisible 4.18.2009 Poem by Margaret Alice

Being Invisible 4.18.2009

A terrible afternoon, playing at being
invisible, not saying or doing anything
to attract attention, listening to desultory
conversation made by people recalling
shared experience, wholly focused on
the sensory world, beyond that cricket
and rugby, that is the sum total of the
general conversation, no-one’s allowed
to discuss their field of interest, sitting
uncomfortably outside, cold, even had to
take my own food, keep quiet, make
polite remarks and nod my head – I’d
rather be dead than go through this
again; since hubby refuses to visit my
colourful, boisterous family, I shall refuse
to visit his quiet, immobile relations in
future, such boredom is indescribable,
serves no purpose, nothing in reality
had any deeper significance, all was
empty, no symbolical value, no allegory,
such experience kills the spirit, it is
impossible to flow love when we have
to be dead mentally and spiritually...

The Flow Of Love

Inter-subjective consent reality, people
agreeing on sensory interpretation of
physical manifestation, is such a lonely
place, a source of existential fear

Inner mental experience is non-verifiable,
expressed in symbols and sound, emotions
are intensely personal, alone in our minds
we cannot share personal symbolism

We cannot prove anything, thus symbols,
music and words, are the best company
revealing everything the physical world
hides, distorts and disfigures

Spiritual, religious and scientific material,
revealing man’s best aspirations and ideals,
have a special place in my heart, realism
belongs in photography and film

I prefer to read hearts and minds, seeking
new heights of love and understanding as
found in some fairy tales, legends and

Gossiping and conformity never enchant me,
even when it is elevated by learned experts,
I focus on ideals, dreams and visions, by
which we have created the current world

We can image new versions of everything,
especially of emotions and feelings, love
and affection, I strive to make the flow of
love my ambition in life...

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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