Blue And Red Make Purple Poem by Genice Lorraine De Fabriciano

Blue And Red Make Purple

Like lost sheep being led to the slaughter...
History repeats and repeats and repeats
With new twists of it's hateful sword
Political powers gorge on a buffet of wayward hearts and souls
For all time our world's Leaders look on
Eyes wide open...confused by US

House Managers, I am so proud of you!
House of Representatives, we are so proud of you!
Independents that stood up for iniquity -so proud of you!
Republicans that crossed over party line -so proud of you!

Those who believe in our Country's unyielding Democracy and Republica,
I bid you courage, faith, hope and Truth for the future generations.
We are the world and it's Representatives
...not just those who sit in Congress.

We are the World's Real Leaders...
and Mayors
and Governors
and Senators
and Presidents
and Judges
and Voters
and Human Beings
We are the Government!
We are the People that Matter the Most!
Always Lead!

Never Forget!
Never Follow!

Like lost sheep being led to the slaughter
Of Oblivion? ? ?
So go the consciences and conscienceless of the deadheads
They go and follow aimlessly into Oblivion
Into a cult like type of death
Followers following their leader...
Inducing grievous labor pains
Screaming out into our future existence

Oh my God! O my America!

What a Travesty we Cry out at Today's news
About Donald John Trump's Acquittal of both Articles of Impeachment

Article 1. Abuse of Power: 48 to 52
48 guilty votes to 52, said, not guilty votes...
48 votes to convict, President, Donald J. Trump,
52 votes to not convict, said President.

Article 2. Obstruction of Congress and Justice: 47 to 53
47 guilty votes to 53, said, not guilty votes...
47 votes to convict, President, Donald J. Trump,
53 votes to not convict, said President.

Guilty or not guilty... I still say, GUILTY! ! !

Screams of injustice release out into the World's atmosphere
We cry tears of grief and hear our Democracy crumbling
We sicken at our Republic tearing at the seams from lies and corruption
Our alliances are forever being charred by division
We see.We feel. We grieve.
We question our Democracy
We question our Republic

We Grieve!
We Cry Out for our Great Nation and our Huge Losses,
Today, and for our future generations.

Through cries of desperation we concede.
Only by mere numbers do we fall back.
We hold our heads high in honor,
But hang our hearts low in doubts and anxieties for our future.
Because of our current president, and his followers,
All of the President's women and men.

To what do we owe our hearts and souls?
To whom do we trust?
Ensure us that your consciences lead you
As you lead us.

Is not our Democracy sacred?
To whom do you follow?

Do not let US crumble!
Be Leaders!

Lead! I say LEAD! !

Rare are the Leaders who stand up to iniquity.

You Democrats are rarest of all today.
We love you Democrats! ..,
As well as a few Republicans and Independents
We keep your courageous acts close to our hearts.

Be Leaders!
For US
Our Hopes are carried in you.....
Go forth in Faith!
Be Courageous!

You are not the followers of ages past
Following distrustful men
Believing unfactual theories
Practicing corrupt behaviors
Haunted by party lines and divisiveness

Be free, with a clear conscience...
Look yourself in the mirror, ...Always.
Be able to see morality in who you are
See that your strength of character is honorable
Keep your morality in a check and balance.
Be accountable.

Look US in the eye
Be truthful!
Do not lie!
Your spirits speak to us...for US!
Grieve US no more.
Be able to sleep at night.
So we may also rest, peacefully.

How do They sleep with themselves at night?
Knowing their divisiveness has divided us all?
Their contribution to blatant US corruption
is on their hands and heads.
They support falsehoods and a corrupt, current US President
By voting for him to be Acquitted.

Be honest Leaders!
New Leaders...
We need you now!
Bring your morality
Bring your leadership
To our places of the destitute
To our cities and states and government.
We are Desperate for Honest, Admirable Character to follow
We need, desperatly, new leadership!
We are looking for leadership to hear our voices.

Stand up!
Stand up in your seats!
Stand up in your States!
Be Our Voice!

Recruiting the Passionate of heart.
Be our Senate
Be our House of Representatives
Be our Judges
Fill our Congress with Fairness and Justice
We need our Liberty to mean something, again.
We need to be Leaders, again!

Replace the seats that have gone stone cold
Save the deteriorating fabric of our Nation.
Unite our once...
United States Of America

U.S.A needs Strong Leaders!

Be Brave!

Stand up to the current US leadership!
Stand up to the current US President!
Tear down this Cult like institution.

Be a brave leader...not a follower
Be yourself
Be a Voice of reason and Truth!
Use your Voice!
Be our Voice!
For our future generations
I bid you to your calling...

Calling all Leaders!
Be Our Voices!

For our Country, "tis of thee"
For all of US
We Will Stand United,
United We Will Stand
When You Make your Great Stand

Choose our Nation's Democracy
The United States of America!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: blue,comedy,democracy,government,red,trump,usa
Impeachment fair process failed US...a historical mistake.
Error Success