Braking Winds Poem by Harshavardhan Kalalbandi

Braking Winds

With woman in the water, man in the wind;
The west moon burgeoning, an aching limb.
Up picked courage fallen, held high, the faces
Of lost comrades, of mothers cries, lost
Yet to found be the heart fallen, in the
Abyss of darkness, the pit of joy un-found.
Home to eternal ill fated mind,
Asylum to the purging soul.
Foes rejoicing the degree that plunged,
Shadow wishers wert dark comrades never hunched.
Weeping are the friends who cared.

Strapped to a wheel, yet they shall not break;
Faith in their hands snap in two, by the devil pieces rake.
Crack in the ice till the ice cracks down,
Shattered to bits in the hostel of his own town.
Though hope be lost, despair fueling the run,
Though lovers be lost, ego pushing the shores.
Hope lost, lovers lost. What remain but grave illness
And the essence of the reeking death.
Array of light of change arranged to lift the
Veil of despair and the fabric of hope lost.
Lovers lost, but the love not. Eternal it sings
Tune unchanged, notes ever pleasant to the ear.

With woman in the water, man in the wind,
Where the water eroded the fields, blew flower the wind.
Under the windings of the water, sing the woman
Unheard, unsought, unseen and unknown.
Thrown in the wind, fights the man; Defeat
Inevitable, infecting, insensitive, and intricate.
Though they sink through the tissue of soil, and sky
Hope they gain, love they earn. Up they rise.
Heard, sought, seen and known.

When woman sinks and man blown,
Up they rise, sheaved in cosmic light,
Guarded by their knight of victory.

Saturday, June 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: hopelessness,victory
Kelly Kurt 06 June 2015

A deep poem, Hashavardhan. Thanks for sharing. Peace

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