Breaking Up Is So Hard To Do Poem by G.B. Smith

Breaking Up Is So Hard To Do

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When first we met,
I couldn't keep my hands off of you
I loved tracing my fingers over your special places
when you got used to me, then we truly connected

I love the feel of you in my hands
Your memory was so sharp and clear, and you helped me learn
all the facts of life from A-Z so easily
I could make love to you so sweetly.

You allowed my words to flow out like thick whipped cream
I accidently spilled some Dr. Pepper on you and you nearly went to pieces
I never knew you were so petty.
You even let me lick some of the stickier spots clean;

yet you still began to wane in our relationship.
You said your new boss was always playing with you
and you loved his touch and feel.That hurt
And now you tell me to go to hell just because

you have fallen in love with a new Dell.You broke my HP heart
My memory is fried, and my keys stick, and it all because of you.
That new computer may be faster than me, but you always told me
that slow was the way to go if I wanted you to do the things you needed done
I love you with all my heart, and yet you dumped me.

I thought we had a good thing going.
Now I come to find that you are seeing two sleek looking lap tops from room 6400 in our building of all places.
I trusted you when you said I was the only one for you.

You let me slip right through your finger pads, without even shedding a tear
My life is ruined, I think I can get an old IBM to work with me, but she has body parts missing.I named you Teeta, for short, now you mock me
and you do it just for fun, because you have found another one

Oh there is so much pain and sorrow.I loved you so

Why did you tell him I was wore out?I am only five years old and just had a tune up by the geek squad.You are sucha beautiful sleek lady, while I now have a few chips missing, and my monitor is growing dimmer each day
PLEASE never leave me.I can change, I'll get a tune up.

I am losing RAM and bits everyday.I will please you again.I will make you understand what it means to run on dyno power.Come and let me tickle your fancy just one more time for the good times
I am good for another round and will keep my memory clear just for you

Just don't dump me for Dell while you have Mr. Bill Gates behind us.
Let me write the words you've always wanted to hear just one more time for everyone.OK everyone, that's a wrap.I'll see you in the morning.
After all, Am I not more than your lap top....?Baby don't leave me

I'll always be your sweet HP on your sweet knees.You can press my keys any time, and I'll work many contest entries for you. I am your hero

Breaking Up Is So Hard To Do
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: humor
I overheard two computers breaking up at my garage sale.It nearly broke my heart
Bernard F. Asuncion 23 January 2018

Smith, such a great poem👍👍👍

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