Breathing Your Name Poem by Nell Sheridan

Breathing Your Name

Breathing your name

I feel your skin, bristles apparent, running my hand across your 5 o'clock shadow,
The warmth, of your touch intimate, you're learningover a kiss to lovingly bestow,
The soft touch, your lips gentle, against my forehead the memory so impacting,
A traversing heat, follows the trail of your every touch blissfully encompassing,

My head on your pillow, eyes closed to the slowly drifting patchy moonlight,
Somewhere inbetween both, you and I, this continuallyevolving interpretedinsight,
Trust sleeping inbetween, your scent, touch,voicing this intimate engagement,
Like a lingering scent, the airis weighed, with mutually acceptedcontentment,

I breathe before sleep, yes I am breathing, breathing surreptitiously your name,
Awakening daylight, and the softest sigh, breathing your title as only you remain,

When you lay, with me love, sharing that which the outside world rarely glimpses,
The accented way, you pronounce the line, your noted favourite almost convinces,
A more patient man, I have never encountered, so relaxed within your own identity,
Free of insecurity, a man who knows self, perhaps I should explain that its complimentary,

The night abated, the crinkle of your eyes, across this table of extended congeniality,
There is comfort, sharing your table, you do so with such lovingly tender informality,
Promise in your gaze, potential memories formed, laughing from the depth of soul,
The good and bad, and even the ugly, my acceptance of you as a complete whole,

I sigh before sleep, yes I am sighing, sighing surrupticously my love,
Awakening daylight, and the softest sound, sighing in the lowest octave,

Do you have room? , do you love? , space for this solitary woman along side,
Do you have room? , do you love? , time to explore a common emotional divide,
Can we eliminate, falsity and Grace's, two opposing worlds a reactive collision,
I would have, committed for life, however will respect yourcomplex indecision,

I am still waiting, yes waiting love, to be the one you will hold without exception,
These words are said, at the risk of, using terms in the worldscliché procession,
Love yes love, not my finest topic, yet another failingsomewhat liberallydefined,
Perhaps only one, or one too many, I can not perceive or interpret your thought of mind.

I seek from you, yes I am seeking, seeking surrupticously your approval,
Awakening moment, still seeking, seeking just the minimum reciprocal,

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