Brianna.A King Our Stolen Generation Poem by Brianna.A King

Brianna.A King Our Stolen Generation

you came to our lands
we gave you food and water
told you of our ways
were we helped you
you slaughtered us

you brought strange animals
that ate all the grass
you gave us strange liquids
you made us ill
you killed our men women and children

you clothed our proud bodies
helped us when we didn't want to be
you forced you way into our homes
you made us weak

you took away our men
forced then to work for you
you had them hunt us when we ran away
you made then kill their own

you went were we had forbidden
yet we could not go were you had forbidden
when we tried you put us in small dark rooms

When we tried to take back what you had taken
you killed were we injured
you took our children and tried to fill their minds with lies
you stole our generation

when your people killed us you hardly did anything
But when we did the same
you came down on us
and hung us
you gave us no justice

You stopped us from doing what we had done for thousands of years before you
you made us be like you
walk, talk even dress like you
you made us believe you
you separated us from our Mother Earth

you took from our lands and people
more then you gave
killing it
you thought you were helping

you would look at us and see only what you wanted to
and still do
a hundred years later
some still have no respect
Kevin Rudd said sorry, only some were behind him

When Kevin Rudd said sorry
he only stitched our wounds
the scars still remain

and will only fade we every single one of you can come to gather
and say sorry

Brianna Adrienne King 31 December 2011

i am an indigenous Australian and are proud to be

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