Bride Of A Soldier Poem by suja nair

Bride Of A Soldier

Rating: 5.0

The beautiful Bride waits for her husband.....
Who is fighting far away, away in the mountains....
Doing his duty, the duty of guarding the nation.....
The nation he loves, which is his own.....

But the bride is waiting, for a glimpse of her husband.....
For a loving word from him...for that loving look she expects....
The wait moves on seconds, to minutes.....
days to week, into a month........

Eagerly waiting for the day, when he comes......
Takes her in his arms, and showers her with love.....
She has been dreaming.....about...a life with him....
But then she is waiting, waiting as a bride...........

At last comes the day......when there comes a message.....
The waiting is passing by and the reunion is nearing....
Bride’s heart misses a beat....she looks up with joy...
With tears in her eyes...with hopes on her lips.....

She smiles at the man..standing by.....
She shyly looks up, to see a stranger......
With a serious face and a sad look……
She knew the answer she knew what has happened,

Sadly though, very slowly, the head is bent....
And the Bride goes into a silence.....
A stone silence....she knows the answer......
And she waits...waits and waits.................

Siyabonga A Nxumalo 19 December 2011

Wow! ! its a great poem, i can feel the pain that the bride is feeling, especially after knowing she'll wait forever.......! !

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Vipins Puthooran 05 November 2011

Wow, It's an amazing poem, , you could sustain the flow upto last line, , , Well written, , , top marks

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