Broken Poem by Zachary Morrow


What if I were to tell you, that I'm tired and broken,
In my heart, my mind, my soul,
And yet I can fix anything alone.
So, all I can do is cry.

Scarred from personal trials and tribulations,
But mostly from the state of the world.
And yet I can fix nothing alone.
So, all I can do is cry.

The pain of knowing that the flora, fauna and animals,
Which are treated with such indifference and cruelty,
And yet I can fix nothing alone.
So, all I can do is cry.

I see the treatment of the under privaledged and starving peoples of the world,
Who only get help when it suits a country or an organizations agenda,
And yet I can fix nothing alone.
So, all I can do is cry.

With every new story or news event I hear,
Which pushes my faith in man further away,
And yet I can fix nothing alone.
So. all I can do is cry.

When I hear of the good people, who tried to make a difference,
Murdered, silenced, given no respect, just because they want peace for the world and protecting the health of the planet,
And yet I can fix nothing alone.
So, all I can do is cry.

The religions who preach peace and love for your fellow man, be it friend or foe,
Reduced to hollow words, that make them feel justified for the actions they take,
And yet I can fix nothing alone.
So, all I can do is cry.

I know I'm not the only one broken, in their heart, in their mind and in their soul,
Each of us tearful with the unheard music of hope, reason and empathy,
Yet, I think if we all globally stood up and said why we are broken, then maybe, just maybe, we could fix something.
So, all I can do is smile at the thought of it.

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Zachary Morrow

Zachary Morrow

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