Broken Dreams Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Broken Dreams

Mansions I for long built in dreams,
Day and night for dear years,
For you, and where I crowned you,
Where lights and colours dazzled soul,
Where milk and honey flowed in floods,
Where dreams and future blurred to new dawn,
Alas, never broke to welcome sunshine,
Never blossomed to surreal fragrance
And faded to dank premature dusk
And withered to tatters of disillusions
In the blinding night to which I woke up
And found me in labyrinth of closed doors.

Dreams are mere dreams, nothing more,
Easy flights of fancies over realities
While senses are shut and eyes, closed;
A jolt to the world - lo, the naked world
Of boulders and rocks and thorns and gulfs
To drag to senses and stunt the flow.

Years it took to break out of dreams
And dawn on me how hard is the world
To us who rode on the joyous crest
Of the make-believe world of togetherness
To fall to the trough of hopelessness;
You sank straight to the bottom of hell
And settled there in resigned grief
While I held to the brink and struggled hard
To rise to the crest and pull you there;
But, alas, man strives but fate decides
And I held to the brink till the end
Till hands failed and spirit flinched.

You saw my fate, you saw my plight,
In kindness you cried, I yield to fate,
And you, befouled, no way rise to crest
To wear my crown and be my Queen,
Lest befoul me by conjoining me;
I vouched, no way you were befouled,
No way gold ever lose noble sheen,
Morn dew you are, pure like child's smile;
I fought, begged, you stood, you feigned rage
Till yielded I and sank to my state
Of gloom and death for both of us.

This is how I lost my dreams,
This is how I lost my world
Of hopes and struggles and joys of love,
But dived to and saw what love really is.

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