Brutal Honesty Poem by Mongezi Ngwenya

Brutal Honesty

Dont blame me this just honsty at its paramouncy brutality.

sticks and stone will break like bones
silver and gold wont get any old
time may fly to the winter's cold
but deep where lies sleep, we'll sink deep within to the core
seek for honesty at its sharpest twick
bitter sweet. It is like Honey after being sting by a bee
but we'll never sleep like a shallow queen
we won't quit we show bravery like kings.

Don't blame me this is just honesty at its paramouncy brutality.

Let me put it in black and white
maybe fools will believe it is true after being fooled to believing that it is true.

See we'll boil their tears of agonny and pain
spice it up with a bit of love triangle with an addition of a wana be virgin who got layed, banged, spanked and dumped like a dirty pan and how about the urine of your neighbor who keeps bending your sister to the wall.
Keep believing it is not true, maybe its a dream but fool you just got fooled because it it true. Maybe we'll serve this bitter stew with a loaf of brutal honesty, believe it its true.

Don't blame me this is just honesty at its paramouncy brutality.

Weapons may intimidate lairs to spit the truth out
well my words are like sharpened blades fiercefull, heartburning like a dragon's burp, the very taste of it will make you vomit fireballs out of your face with the shape of the truth itself.
but when am done with you one wont be able to tell where you mouth is, as the cuticle that shields your lips will be curled off like burnt paper as for your teeth like char caol that has burnt meat

Thats how ugly the truth is.

Smile, we all know its fake, with that cover face of a snake

But for today
just for this hour
i beg of you not to blame me
because it is not me, it is honesty at its paramouncy brutality.

pure honesty is not covering the truth with cherry and honey, its brutal and painful.
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Mongezi Ngwenya

Mongezi Ngwenya

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