Brutal Love Poem by hadarms dha poet

Brutal Love

Am so sorry for my STATE
The love you gave me now it's LATE
Ignored my mummy cos of LOVE
My daddy I shoved feeling GOV
Always a truant when in SCHOOL
Other females I ever SHOO
Forfeited my fees for your WORTH
For you were not the rich-type SORT
New things I saw never went UN-BOUGHT
For I wanted your difference from LOT
Presented you a symbol of LOVE
You murdered me and killed my DOVE*

Stupid things I engaged IN
My love for you since I was EIGHTEEN
I fought my friends thinking you were BEST
Never did I know you were on a QUEST
All those smiles didnt know were FAKE
Meant to drown me in a LAKE
Oh poor nose cant smell a TRAITOR
Long before she gave her MENTOL
Lovely words never left your LIPS
With which you pecked me with its TIP
What a world! I fell for IT
Now am left to feel the HEAT

Remember when your mum was SICK
I broke the bank for all your PICKS
So fast girl you have FORGOTTEN
I once loved you now am ROTTEN
Popsy chased me out of TOWN
School grades went from up to DOWN
Momsy hated to see me MOANING
'Why must you grin every raw MORNING'?
So much love am now in SHAME
Three years now am still the SAME
This same month you tore my FEELINGS
Ripped my heart off, broke my BEING.

Damn love! Fuc*k love EVERYWHERE!
Looks dont judge a lady's WEAR
Trust your heart not with your MIND
So you wouldnt have to be TRIED
Carefully choose your future LOAD
Not all glitters are called GOLD
Love hurt life more than ITSELF
You bear your grudges all YOURSELF
Lost my world because of LOVE
All my mysteries cant be SOLVED
Everything I do now getting TOUGH
The one I trusted played me OFF.

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