By Making The Wrong Damn Enemies.... Poem by Joshua Torres

By Making The Wrong Damn Enemies....

Falling, striking earths surface, never to return to heavens bliss.
Feathers cut, wings twisted and broken; eternally forsaken.
Left to wander and  reminisce of the day my righteousness went amiss.
To think what I thought was madness, madness possessing my naïve conscience.
Believing I could take his place so very righteous, clearly acting ever so careless.

Time has been kind, repairing my limbs, clearing my mind.
Learning to stand, walking with scars reminding me of yesterday.
Honing skills that were divine, a voice with words your ear incline.
Refusing to think I am confined, confined and my fate signed.
I will force him to his throne unwillingly resign and my grim fate redefine.

Then, one glorious day, He formed man out of clay.
He gave them authority over all things in the world, but a tree.
He told them, “Stay away, ” to “Follow my word and don't stray.”
Laughable, the thought that they'd obey, obey him with no say.
I thought it my sole duty to quietly say, “You know it is okay.”

Eve was her name, the one I will proudly acclaim.
She saw the truth, she took my advise and took a bite.
Adam, his mind truly lame, took not my advise but the dames.
Quickly their minds filled with shame, shame they could not tame.
That is when he came asking, “Who's to blame.”;   their fingers to me aim.

Not at all pleased, banning them both disregarding their pleas.
Condemning the creature I possessed to crawl on it's chest forevermore.
His creation I cleverly deceived, leaving his legacy filthy, disobedient and diseased.
By making the wrong damn enemies, enemies as clever as me.
And though the day will come revealing my fallacies; his creations souls I'll seize.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dark
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