Change Your Tactics Poem by Morgan York

Change Your Tactics

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You tell me your heart,
Has been beaten and torn.
Ripped apart, broken,
Forever forlorn.

You feel you gave love away,
So carelessly before,
That if you don’t love again,
The pain will be no more.
But let me ask you this question,
Then hear my advice,
Could you not to love
For the rest of your life?

To never hear “I love you”
And to honestly say,
“I love you too,
And I will, everyday”?

My advise to you is,
Don’t give up on love,
Just change you tactics,
That should be enough.

Use your heart wisely,
Don’t give it away,
And though it may hurt,
Don’t let love get in your way.

You know what you’re worth,
You have nothing to prove,
Just because you don’t always win,
Doesn’t mean you’ll ever lose.

Accept your mistakes,
For they’ve helped to make you,
This is one thing in life,
I know for sure to be true.
Be selfish with love,
It’s your heart, you know best,
Give it to only who u think,
Passed the test.

Know there is a chance,
That you’ll be hurt again,
But don’t give up completely,
It isn’t the end.

I’ve told you everything,
That I think you should know,
And with this new knowledge,
On you should go.

Find someone who loves you,
For all that you are,
Don’t give up on love,
To tend to old scars.

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Morgan York

Morgan York

Annarbor, Mich.
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