Chanson Du Sud.(Translation) . Poem by Michael Walker

Chanson Du Sud.(Translation) .

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Je veux que mon corps soit baigne encore par les soleils du sud, mon ame
reclamee encore de la terre du sud. Je veux me reposer
encore aux champs du sud, dans l'herbe et le fleurissement de l'herbe etdu foin et du trefle;
reposer ma main encore sur une glaise cuite par
un soleil du sud, toucher la terre trempee par la pluie et je veux sentir l'odeur de la terre.

Je veux que mon repos ne soit interrompu aux pres du sud;
la liberte de regarder onduler le ble argente au soleil et
remarquer l'eclaboussement d'un ruisseau, un etang avec des canards
et des grenouilleset compter les nuages.

Je veux que des cohues ne me tirent point de mon repos au sud; pas de
formes me prendre pendant la nuit et faire bruler ma cabane et
faire pour moi moi un cauchemar plein d'huile et de flamme.

Je veux que ma chanson insouciante ne sonne une clef mineure; aucun demon de se tenir entre la chanson du sud de mon corps- la fusion
du Sud, la chanson de mon corps et moi.

- 'Southern Song'.Margaret Walker(1915-1998) .

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: country
Poem Hunter/ Margaret Walker/ Poems/13/15.
Margaret was from Birmingham, Alabama, and later moved north. In Chicago she would have missed her beloved South very much and she expresses nostalgia in the song. She wants to rest in Southern fields and see the the corn wave silvery in the breeze, hear 'the splashing of a brook', and see a pond with ducks and frogs.
She does not want a mob to interrupt her rest, take her away, and burn down her house-as the Ku Klux Klansmen used to do to negroes. African Americans were victims of accentuated racism in the South.
Finally, she does not want her song to be in a minor key and nothing to stand between her, her song, and the South.
'Southern Song' is written in a major key.
Kumarmani Mahakul 18 April 2018

I want my body to be still bathed by the suns of the south and I want to rest. Soul recognizes the truth and accepts truth of life. Translating such a great poem of a great poet is definitely very interesting. Your effort is highly appreciated...10

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