Chattel Marriage Poem by Poetical Analysis

Chattel Marriage

Once upon a time, now envision this in your mind

Your mamma done pushed you outta her hips;

launched you from between her lips

There you were as you were some how categorized

a pure, an innocent child, fresh made

being, a stranger in this strange land,

ready to serve soylent green

You weren't known by any, nor did you know

Not one single being, not a soul, till they convinced you so

How you were an item they were entrusted to own;

killer catch phrases, like flesh of my flesh

bone of my bone, was all the evidence

you were ever shown

Some of them hit, others fed, but they

all demanded we believe what they said,

that we ignored the frustrations playing out

in their heads, in their hearts, tearing

them psychologically apart, trapped in an endless

emotional dark; that is the symbol they

bare as a mark

They proved we needed them as terrific tutors

And prepped us as children to consent

to out suitors; they pitched us heroes from ruthless

looters, malicious contaminators, & vicious polluters

They blinded us to this sadistic

fraud, by claiming dignity in the path they've trod,

by asserting sanity in their personification of god, in their

application of 'spare not the rod', They handed us over

with approving nods

Now we are married in this tragic state to

a dead. corpse of a useless mate, that

uses our own consent to veil their hate,

the same way they used our parents as the bait,

We are governed, measured, & owned

We are a bunch of little legal clones, like

a tottler whining about being full grown,

big kid status, After all our parents are so

glad they had us, it all can't be some

twisted lie, a slight of hand to trick the eye

I'd rather believe it then, than ever face that version of I


Poetical Analysis

Poetical Analysis

San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, CA
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