Cheers To A New Year Poem by Nom Nom Nom

Cheers To A New Year

Cheers to a brand new year everybody;
lets start the laughs and smiles early?
My new years resolution... umm to stay as strong as I can get;
cheers to all the people I've met;
cheers to what brings me alive;
I couldn't wait for this year to arrive;
and now it's here;
I hope this is a better year!

Every year seems to be the same, making me older;
giving me new questions, all without an answer;
to all the people I've missed and said goodbye;
to all the unnessary times where I said the wrong reply;
no need to become a stranger;
I'm no long in danger;
2012 be good to me please, make me want to wake up;
make me want to growup;
pick me from the cold hard ground;
and place me back in the lost and found;

God thank you for letting me live one more year;
I can feel your presence near;
thank you for answering my prayers;
now I know someone like you cares;
thank you for the family and friends I've got to see today;
and thank you for pushing the tears away;
and make me mean what I had to say;
thank you is only two words, I know;
but that is the starter point to how it goes;
two words packed with feelings from my heart;
two words I've learned to feel from the start;
and when I thought my life was falling apart;
thank you for being there even when I pushed you away;
I'm sorry before I didn't want to pray;
but you listen, you helped me from the ground;
and you heard my cries, when there wasn't any sound;
thank you thank you thank you;
what would I do without you, what would I do! ?
I would be like I was two weeks ago;
still cutting without a hero;
thank you God, thank you for what you've done;
now I feel this year, I've won

~ Nom ~

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