Children In Their Dreams Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Children In Their Dreams

in between worlds and the half light fluttering, the quince light shuttering

they float and then are suspended as school is suspended chock full of delight

and found in the peach fleece skies

suddenly they could fly. and there's no milk spilled in space

where gravity knows its place and there is no disgrace.

for children in their dreams.

paint them a peppermint house shingled with gum drops and fine gold

and no witch there.and no witch stories tediously told; only wishes neon bold

or flower scented air where they may ever wander their arms full of

wild orchids and bluebells. I will never tell.

and let their kites the brilliant hued startling the birds mid winging.

exorbitantly singing rise over. the pink imbued hills.

let them eat their fill of cherry, blackberry pie.; oh let all their whys be answered by God Himself pouring the orangeade

and let them read in the green lanced shade

every book on the shelf twice over till dawn.

that they may carry on in love with the once upons

putting to rights the patchwork earth.

left to them from birth.

stitching the strawberry seams:

children children in their dreams.

mary angela douglas 27 june 2020

Saturday, June 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: birds,birth,children,destiny,dreams,earth,flowers,god,gold,green
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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