City By The Bay Poem by Jay P Narain

City By The Bay

Lost in my wandering world,
Roam all over from my soul to the outer universe,
Never think of the sanctuary where I live,
Always overlook my wonderful world.

Flew over decades ago from the East over the Rocky mountain west,
Came down on the earth in a city by the San Francisco Bay,
The peninsula, the islands, the valley, all congregate around this bay,
The mountain, hills, nature's beauty all overlook this beautiful bay.

Astonishing it may seem to look at all the balding hills,
Reminds me of my baldness in my maturing life,
Hidden inside them are the many earthquake faults,
Makes us quiever and shake once a while without loosing our sense.

Cross over the western edges of the hills,
Come to the most beautiful beaches in the world,
This is where the sea meets the sky,
This is where you leave the sculpture of your love engraved in the sand.

Enjoy the beauty of lakes like Chabot and Elizabeth,
Reflections of mountains in these lake mirrors the beauty of our souls in ourselves,
The redwood trees tower in their sanctuary,
They have lived for centuries and hope to survive for eternity.

The beauty of nature thrives on this bay,
The birds of the sea and land mingle all over the bay,
The alpine trees mingle with tropical paradise,
The flowers from east and west bloom all over the town.

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