Cold And Indifferent Poem by Storm Ellis

Cold And Indifferent

Rating: 5.0

Cold and indifferent
The long days draw out, sucking the remaining warmth from my already lifeless form
Heart fluttering as it tries relentlessly to rekindle a dying spark, the hateful wind changes direction threating to plunge us into an all consuming darkness the familiar feeling of deep seated warmth and love seeps out of our bones and is snatched up by the wind, with it it feeds the darkness
Minds race and spiral, spouting hate rage and shouting profanity at the world, blaming her for this hell
Life changing, soul searching, heart retching conspiracies plotted against you by the conductor of the universe
Who takes no sides but eggs on both the darkness and the spark that dares to defy it
My only hope in the world is for the wind to change direction and bring life to the spark that warms the world and brings life light and love to all we know
Because from the position of the bearer that spark illuminates the whole of their universe, all that is good in the world is illuminated by that spluttering dying light
That gust of wind could be to us but a breeze but in the illumination of that spark its a spiralling chaotic cyclone that is tearing apart an entire universe.

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