Come O' The Face Of Earth Poem by Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Come O' The Face Of Earth

Come O' Holy Spirit.
Come O' child of men.
Talk no more ridicule of the world that birthed thee.
Let thy veins cometh from thine feet,
And mingle with the Eden of thine mother.
Many might hath soared high and above thee.
But they can harvest not the knowledge ye hath.
Knowledge their chariots can not reach.
They still stood in wonder of how they were surpassed by men they claim to be less saintlier than their god.
When they see thine shining but yet earthed skin,
They wondered of thee as creatures of the heavens.
But heaven was of thine land.
Fascinated they would take ye from thine heaven,
Into their plains of war.

Left, Right.
Fro and rear,
Men of their fairness would fall to the ground.
Their mothers would weep till its dawn.
Along would their children vent with anger...
And thine stood there...
Fascinated by an equal who see thee not as one.
He who would dispute thee and call ye savage.
But yet,
Such display of savagery thee see unto from their land is one ye hath just only come to witness.
Exposed of the world where the sun shines not till to the bottom.
Where their mother is bricked and she knows not the scent of her children.
But yet they managed to praise he who they know not'
Neglecting their creator,
The green beneath their manged feet.

Come O' holy child.
Come O' child of Afo-rui-ka.
I leadened mine heart with worries that thee not meet the same fate as these meeken fair but yet dark led pathed children of our mother.

So praise oneself than a god,
I know =
Far across the land ye are battered with.
Shoulders broad,
Chest out,
And sayeth unto them.
"I am ye who thee wish I to call Lord,
ye whose course is to his people.
He who lives eternally and never tires of traveling all roads of life.
So let heaven be earth,
And earth be men.
For all lord over itself."
Come O' the face of earth.

Come O' The Face Of Earth
Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

Ofentse Mercy Hajane (The Dark So'tho Seer)

South Africa/ Johannesburg/ Krugersdorp/ Munsieville
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