Come Out And Build (1) Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Come Out And Build (1)

Perhaps in church you’re saved by grace
For years you’ve known God’s Son
But yet you feel within your place
That much can still be done

Perhaps The Lord has chosen you!
A flock yourself to form
To nurture sheep till born anew
They’re fit to stand the storm

If God has cleansed and made you whole
If Fire’s consumed your sin
Can you not help another’s soul?
Through Christ who dwells within?

Perhaps its time to rime and shine
Serve others living bread
Give out Salvation’s precious wine
And raise the walking dead

Emerge like Christ a tender shoot –Isa.53: 2
Arise from out the dust
Its time to bear The Master fruit –Jn.15: 1-17
Be strong in faith and trust

In Christ there is no place for doubt
Once truth we’ve come to see
The Lord of hosts is calling out –2Co.6: 17
To set His children free

Perhaps He’s calling you as guide
Or hold some other’s hand
Be sure its Christ, you’ve heard inside
For only then you’ll stand

Don’t move until you’ve heard The Lord
The Shepherd’s voice alone
To form a church, we can’t afford
To build on flesh and bone PTO…

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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