Complain Only If Or When You're Asked - Not Before! Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Complain Only If Or When You're Asked - Not Before!

By Stanley Collymore

Who demanded, requested
suggested or even sought
to persuade you Boris
Dominic Raab or similar like
minded Nazi, fascist, ultra-
racist politicians or quite
similar morons like you
to bend your knees in
solidarity, obedience
or even the act of
subjugation, as
you asininely
see it, with
the Black
Civil Rights cause, or
more crucially as it
happens with the
rather pertinent
to us, the Black
Lives Matter

And if nobody has, why then
are you publicly and rather
loudly bellyaching, and I
am citing the UK'S
MSM, with two thirds of Britain's
white and racist population in
your thoroughly vainglorious
and idiotic fashion that you
would never be seen dead
either individually or even
collectively - personally
bending your knee to
any Nigger person?
However laudable
they might be of
these outcome!

The truth, to anyone with
even a basic modicum
of reason, is that no
truly self-regarding
Black person will
expect far less so require
your support, which we
are fully cognizant will
never under any kind
of circumstance be
ever forthcoming. For, in
essence, it's hard-core
braindead morons,
inveterate racists
and ill-informed
deviants totally
like you - who
are the Jolly
sources of
all of our

So deluding and quite clearly
convincing yourselves that
we self-respecting Blacks
are even the least bit
interested in your
fraudulent, self-serving
and self-aggrandizing
shenanigans simply
goes to show how
stupid and utterly
verminously low
life in all things
you insatiably
and insanely
white racist
pillocks truly are;
solidly and very
so inseparably
entangled as
you evidently
are - in your

Anything, it seems, to make
vile, white scum like you
appear to the British
MSM, and in the
eyes of their
easily led and thoroughly
controlled, bastardized
plebeian serfs seem
relevant. Well, how
about the clever
suggestion that
is being freely
granted here
to you! Save
your breath
and only complain if
we at BLM were to
you or your vile
sort - for vital
ideas or any

Something that surely
will never happen!
For loathed as
we most certainly are
to ever engage with
House Niggers or
Useful Idiots the
distinct likes of
Trevor Philips,
there is not a
snowflake in
Hell's chance of very
proud and strongly
empowered Black
women and men
ever turning to
you - for help
or validation
of any kind!

(C)Stanley V. Collymore
11 July 2020.

Author's Remarks:
I will never sensibly understand or logically accept why so many British people seem to feel the compulsive need to put other human beings on pedestals simply to worship them.

The way I see it is, that you can perfectly well admire people for their talents and achievements, but for being born and simply acquiring an unearned title- for the life of me, I don't see why! And frankly it leaves me mystified.

Maybe the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor family serves these low esteem British subjects (I won't demean the term Citizen by attributing or applying it to them)as parental figures in a bastardy-driven Britain. While these dimwitted and sickeningly gullible British plebeian serfs need someone to give them a pat on the head, having told them what to do.

Or perhaps the aforementioned is malevolently juxtaposed with people as well who've benefited immensely from the English/British class driven system with its unearned privileges and manifestly iniquitous practices, and consequently who both feel compelled and also have no moral aversion or compunctions to defending the very system they have previously and still disproportionately continue to hugely benefit from.

Crapauds: the lot of them, masquerading as Chameleons!

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