Corey And Drugs Controled Me Poem by sammie kelley

Corey And Drugs Controled Me

Ever since I can remember
Drugs have controlled my life
I've tried them all
Never too picky was I...
It never occurred to me I was an addict
Not until Corey entered my life
Before Corey I did not let drugs control my life
I always put my kids first
It did not matter about nothing else...
Corey introduced me to so much new
Made me realize I was an addict
He helped feed my addiction more and more
And now I see he was the worst thing that entered my life
But back then I was to blinded by love
I did not want to see the truth
Still to this day I question myself
'Why did I ever listen to him when it came to my kids? '
He had never been a parent
He was not the one responsible for these kids...
But I listened when he said they were big enough to stay home
Even though I KNEW better
Just the same I went along...
Before I met Corey
Never would I have let them stay alone
I did not care if they did not want to go
Cause I knew what could happen
I knew it was wrong...
Before Corey I had my life on the right track
Then after Corey my life took a nose dive down
It just goes to show
We were not good together right from the start
Cause yes I loved my kids
But I started putting him first
And decided to do what he wanted
Not listening to my gut
Knowing it was not right
But also it was the drugs
I was letting Corey and the drugs control me and my life
Neither one did I want to give up...
So instead I gave up on my kids
After they were taken away
So much guilt and blame I have
My babies I no longer had...
Even after them I kept it up
Just harder and stronger drugs
I continued to let Drugs and Corey control my life
It took losing my kids, catching felonies, jail, rehab
And I know there's so much more
To finally see after 7 years and losing everything
that ever meant anything to me
Neither Corey or the drugs do I really need...
And now here I am
Waiting to see what my future now holds
Whats in store for me
It has to be better
I think God knows I can't handle much more
I know my future is going to be better
Cause the Lord has promised me sooo

May 21,2014

Colleen Courtney 21 May 2014

Wow. Such a tragic and heartbreaking story this poem relates. Can feel the emotional pain and the crying out for forgiveness. Can very much relate. Don't usually ask others to read my poems but I think you might find my poem titled, Where Am I? Interesting as the topic is so very similar. Have been in your shoes except not to the extent as you. Just luck on my side I guess! Stay strong and goodness will triumph!

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