Corona And The Future World Poem by Prabir Gayen

Corona And The Future World

Rating: 5.0

Corona and the Future world

Corona pandemic has made us realise
The frugality and mutability Of Life,
Life has become a frail dream,
Hope and aspiration, dreams and desires,
Even the ascetic way of living appear
to be useless,
Flood of sheer Transience has struck the bank of Life,
Life has suffered tremendous change,
Tremendous is the sleepiness of Life,
Life we live is no less than death,
Corona has made life drowsy with fear,
Fear of losing dear and near one,
Death has become a very easy access,
Distance between life and death
is bridged up with the thread of fear,
The Sun, the moon and the stars of
Mighty ocean of infinite elegance,
Eternal silence of existence,
All natural phenomena are unaware
Of the Catastrophe of human life,
The planet earth is healing Herself
and perhaps preparing for a new outset
Of a primitive Civilization or a more advance
era of science and technology,
May be the world is returning
towards It source,
From manifest to unmanifest,
From form to formless absoluteness,
Corona may be the beginning
of the end of an era or a unity of time,
A new era of innocent life is
on the way to dawn,
Archaean to allow life to sprout,
A world of Love Joy and purity,
Primitive world of search and quest,
The world of mystery and wonderment,
Perhaps a new purity is awaiting
behind the polluted world
Of Lust and greed.

@prabir Gayen
11: 22 PM.
Sat, May 15 / 2021.

Saturday, May 15, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
Corona and the world
Sylvia Frances Chan 16 May 2021

3) Excellent poem to tell us all that A new era of innocent life is on the way to dawn, Amazing dear poet! 5 Stars Full!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 16 May 2021

2) but mankind has also become more strong in body and soul. Do never forget God cares for us all through his beloved earth, we obey the Covid-19 rules, through all centuries, the strongest always survive.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 16 May 2021

1) The law of the earth is constantly The survival of the fittest, that we can see in these corona pandemic times, this Covid-19 period, also a pandemic, stronger than all the viruses before,

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