Cosmic Focus Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Cosmic Focus

Be it in shade in cycles of life,
Or in cloud in far away galaxies,
Or in parallel world outside ours,
Or simply nonexistent anywhere I'm,
By celestial eyes unseen by you,
I watch you grow to sublime heights,
You pluck ripe fruits of fulfillment.

No time or distance deter me from you,
No indulgence of self diverts me from;
Like celestial black hole, I focus on you,
And flow my soul to keep you in shine;
You're hallowed hearth that keeps me warm
On the ceaseless spread of cold cosmic floor;
Seen or unseen, I'm bound to you.

Layers in life flow in opposite streams,
And you know, I'm bid to part ways;
Well, I part; it does regenerate you too,
And opens for you vast space to spread
As high as you can, as wide as you can;
But, rest assured, I part; invisible to you,
But within I do remain focused on you.

You remain inextinguishable bright flame
'Tween my brows of celestial forehead,
As cosmic focus, fulcrum of my soul;
I watch you, rise to higher planes,
And fill in pride while you reach the top;
Remember, I'm naught, unless your flame
Illumes me inside and lights my soul.

I be visible or invisible, irrelevant to us,
For, physical world works on outside terms;
We're closely bound in extra-terrestrial tie,
And invisible currents keep us in touch;
I bid you farewell as outside world needs,
It smoothens our walk on terrestrial path;
But remember, visible, only half of truth.

Behind the clouds of the far away galaxies,
Remember, my goodwill, always with you,
In prayers, ardent will, if they do work;
Though not with you, I'm always in you,
Struggling to light the path you walk
By all sunshines my soul can muster
Till barriers drop and we rejoin in life.

Geetha Jayakumar 11 July 2013

Good poem.....Well written....yes, its Cosmic Focus...Thanks for sharing.

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