Creation Poem by Narayana Guru



First published in No.3 Vol.1, of the Smrti Kusumanjali Monthly run by R.Raman Unnithan from Quilon, in the year 1911.Nakkutakam is the metre in which this Malayalam work is composed.


An extremely dear perceiving -eye is there
That never becomes scattered
As do the ears and the like.
Indistinct it remains, perceptible
Only to a reversed perspective, and it,
By remaining so, perceives everything here.
Into that invaluable eye merges
All that is here, their countability lost.
Its being fills and overflows
All that has come into being here.
Find out that eye and perceive
Its sporting in everything here,
And become blessed, O the mind inside.


The inside mind and the outside body,
The sense and the inner mind-
Transcending all such dualities rises up
The primordial Consciousness,
Conscious of all such dualities.
From It, causal to both day and night,
There emanate and shine
The beings existing all around.
Let us become merged only in that
Undeceitful, all- pervading Greatness
And experience Its blessedness!


Blessedness is It in which arise
The darkness-waves, causing
The splintering off of that, which resounds,
Of that which feels coolness,
Of the eye that sees forms,
Of the tongue (that feels taste) , and
That which becomes awake to smells.
Remaining in this darkness
Even half a second,
Means the sufferings’ ocean becoming full.
How can we remain interested in it, O Siva?


O Siva, O the Most Auspicious One,
You become splintered into
Various external forms in no time,
And you blessingly remain in
All of them as their substance,
Well aware of what is proper to each.
O Siva, capable of scattering
Yourself in all directions,
Even you, the Bhagavan,
Is the dynamic being of these.
Please do not let us go fighting them,
O the abode of kindness never changing.


Changeful is everything here,
A more illusory drama-like appearance
My aspiration is for attaining
And remaining in this state of wisdom
And the resultant self-absorption
In you; please be mindful!
The powerful waves (of Ganga)
That emerge from your head
Invincibly assume the form of everything,
Substance- wise fill their being,
And eventually become reabsorbed.
O the Foe of Eros of the flower-dart,
When shall I attain your feet?


Your feet I should attain
Without straying any more
And aiming at this, this humble being
Offers daily at your feet
His own mind as an altar-flower
Bowing his head and you are
Well aware of it as well.
Having been born as one
Among the many entities
Referable as many ‘this’-es,
I feel helpless and forlorn
Running after the many.
I do not find a misery
Worse than this


This misery occurred to you, O mind,
Because of your folly of
Becoming familiar with and attached to
All that is worldly here.
Beware of it!
If you meditatively mutter the holy name
With your own body for rosary,
Then occurs your attaining of freedom
And the experiencing of harmonious beatitude.
The lone aim of yours should be that


‘That’ and ‘this’ becoming
The attainable goal,
Results in the all-underlying
Pati unrolling Himself as
Pasu and pasa in succession.
Realizing that the moon,
The bright - rayed sun,
The earth, fire and space,
Air and water - all are but
Assumed forms of the one pati,
I wish to worship His feet with adoration.


All this here, is adorable mystery
Conjured up by a mere gaze
Of your laudable eyes
Like the emerging of numerous
Ornament forms
Form one gold - substance.
Please favour me to
Adorn your holy feet
With this humble one (me)
For a simple flower,
O the ocean that rises up waveless
And expands in endless rows.


Rows of waves, resembling,
Everything here emerges intermixed,
And thereafter lose their identity
Again in the total being.
Then the various inter-relations
Between them (waves) also disappear.
Squabbles shooting up as between
‘Pot’ and ‘shirt’ occurs to this pot (me) .
To let this pot crumble down,
Please bless me with the revelation
Of what is the real within.

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