Crocodile's Toothache Poem by Shel Silverstein

Crocodile's Toothache

Rating: 3.1

Oh the Crocodile
Went to the dentist
And sat down in the chair,
And the dentist said, 'Now tell me, sir,
Why does it hurt and where?'
And the Crocodile said, 'I'll tell you the truth.
I have a terrible ache in my tooth.'
And he opened his jaws so wide, so wide,
That the dentist he climbed right inside,
And the dentist laughed, 'Oh, isn't this fun?'
As he pulled the teeth out, one by one.
And the Crocodile cried, 'You're hurting me so!
Please put down your pliers and let me go.'
But the dentist just laughed with a Ho Ho Ho,
And he said, 'I still have twelve to go --
Oops, that's the wrong one, I confess.
But what's one crocodile's tooth, more or less?'
Then suddenly the jaws went snap,
And the dentist was gone right off the map.
And where he went one could only guess...
To North or South or East or West...
He left no forwarding address.
But what's one dentist more or less?

Dibyansu The Hero 25 July 2010

this poem is in my oxpord class four book

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Khan Muwaffaqa Tariq 21 August 2019

Very nice poem keep it on sending on the website

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Edward Kofi Louis 14 October 2020

The parable of life! ! ! Musing along with the poem. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 14 October 2020

Lovl. Great poem full of humor and lessons of life. My post coup President is nicknamed the crocodile. We are not having fun is all i can say at the risk of getting swallowed. Great poem. Made my day.

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Rajnish Manga 14 October 2020

Wow! ! That's an interesting poem. From 6 to 80 it provides the much needed humour and laughter.

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Mahtab Bangalee 14 October 2020

Then suddenly the jaws went snap, And the dentist was gone right off the, no one can save thyself from the trap of crocodile tears- even the savior, the dentist of Crocodile's Toothache! ! ! ! ! !

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Shreya Hacks 14 October 2020

Light and humorous poem. Enjoyed reading it.

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Zoyza Da Vinka 14 October 2020

a nice humorous poem

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Savita Tyagi 14 October 2020

Haha! Would love to read it to my grandson!

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Dr Antony Theodore 14 October 2020

But what's one crocodile's tooth, more or less? ' Then suddenly the jaws went snap, And the dentist was gone right off the map. Enjoyable writings. tony

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Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein

Chicago/ Illinois
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