Cup Cake Commo (Antifa) Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

Cup Cake Commo (Antifa)

Cup cake commo
Thinks he's all that
Another bleeting homo
Another spoilt brat

Always acting tough
With his Bolshevik mates
Ain't never done it rough
Privileged but hates

Still lives with his mum
Changes his nappy
Got to wipe his bum
Keep the bub happy

Chants Marxist slogans
Doesn't know what they mean
White middle class bogans
Who never made the team

Another loser geek
Societal reject
Outcast and freak
Blindly follows sect

When real Commo's come
He's dragged from his bed
Pleads it was just fun
Before they shoot him in the head

The moral of this story
Be careful what you wish
You may be after glory
But end up swimming with the fish

// this poem may contain copying errors

Sunday, September 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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