Darling Tame Your Demons Poem by Cassandra Hooper

Darling Tame Your Demons

The ancient winds entice you
Daring you into the dark
But have the Gods betrayed you darling
Your eyes remain glazed and stark
And the hollow cavity in your chest love
It seems to be caving in
And I've got no remedy for your disease
You are your greatest sin
Loveless in your own cage
Your ribs encase a stone
Cold and without a sense of fault
Your heart, it sleeps alone
And I'm drifting ever further from you
Not from desire, but defeat
And I can't help but stray from shore
Drowning to escape the heat
The flame isn't from your heart
Nor from your eyes for me
But from your rage and constant hate
That sets fire to the gentle sea
And I'm just taking shelter
Waiting out the storm
But my ship is sure to sink yet
The sail is tattered and worn
And the water will welcome my body back
I'll soon be at peace
But you will always be at war
Until at last your thoughts will cease
And in this world again we'll meet
But we won't be the same
And for your sake as well as mine
I hope your demons end up tame

Thursday, February 9, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: leaving,love,relationships
Cassandra Hooper

Cassandra Hooper

Titusville, Florida
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