Data Gathering! Poem by Denis Martindale

Data Gathering!

Day after day, alas, dear friends,
As each website takes hold,
The quest for data never ends
As they search for some gold.
Getting our details when they can,
And selling, who knows where?
They take and take from every man,
Harvesting here and there.
Expect no mercy from their kind,
Respect for us gets spurned.
Intent on selling all they find,
No matter what they learned.
God knows that website threats exist,
Disgusting as they are.
As data partners they enlist,
To search both near and far.
As time goes by, our profiles grow,
Greater yet never still.
And companies stay in the know,
To track us, good or ill.
Here comes another tracker now,
Each website takes its share.
Rejoicing what the laws allow,
In truth, some hardly care.
New techniques help the gatherers,
Greedy grabbers, for better or worse.

Denis Martindale. March 2022.

Here is an acrostic poem about the Internet.

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