Dawn Poem by Seema Jayaraman


Rating: 5.0

The golden gleaming ball
Peered above the horizon
Embedded on her - like sparkling jewels
She opened her eyes and
Kissed the sleeping world

Lo and behold the morning breeze
Sweet and gay as fresh has come
Kissing all along the way
Touching all with her tender touch
Bringing along this message
Hard work leads to peace and pride

The flowers swayed in rhythm
Dancing gaily, along with the breeze
The dew drops gleamed
Like pearls just out of sea
The grass cutters chorus out in the field
Passed and announced with ease

The green boughs bowed
With green soft rustling leaves
The sparrows chirped busily
Fluttering with the gentle wind

My heart still misses a beat
On seeing the wooly clouds
When my eyes still behold
This beautiful precious sight

©Seema Jayaraman, Mumbai (1983-84)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
This is one of my earliest attempts, that I have managed to preserve. I know its way to childish but please see it from a lil girls eyes. I must have written this in my 7th grade ie around 12 years of age in 1983 -84. This poem was selected by my teachers of K V GGHS, Koliwada and published in the school magazine. I remember walking with pride, a huge feather in my cap those days. I discovered the power of words, the power of English and how they could be arranged and rearranged to mesmerize.
Best regards
Stephani Kievaughan 15 September 2015

if any subject deserved an endless number of poems written about it. I submit it would Have to Be the Likes of the Sunrise, and its only Competitor would be the Likes of the Sunset.

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 September 2015

She opened her eyes and Kissed the sleeping world Hard work leads to peace and pride When my eyes still behold This beautiful precious sight... it i s the sense of beauty that is the foundation of poetic thinking. you had it very early in your life. let us thank God who is Beauty in itself. God gave you that great poetic gift. thank you. you emphasize the necessity to do hard work to achieve poetic heights. thank you

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Valsa George 09 September 2015

Seema, I see that you were a full grown poet even at the age of twelve! You can easily add many more feathers to your cap! Greatly enjoyed this serene morning scene! A 10

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Seema Jayaraman 09 September 2015

Thank you Mam.

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