Dead Lover Poem by Ricky Mason

Dead Lover

My lover has died today, how sad I am.

They say she may just be missing,

but I know in my heart they’re wrong.

She’s probably in a river somewhere,

Her body won’t be found for months.

It was me who filed the report,

“My lover’s missing, didn’t come home last night”

The truth is she hasn’t been seen for weeks.

I know that I will soon be named a suspect.

They’ll dig into my past, and connect all the dots.

You see, my lover and I were “special friends”.

It started when I was a very young man,

She captivated my heart with just a single line:

“To thy own self be true, and make not your life a lie”.

From that moment on, together we loved, laughed, and cried.

The fairytale ended for me when I found another love,

at the bottom of that whiskey bottle, I found another friend.

At first she let it go, allowed the whiskey to intrude.

At times I thought she enjoyed the whiskey’s company,

because before love making, it seemed to set the mood.

But as the nights past, my lover seemed to disappear.

Now it’s just me and whiskey, my lover has died.

They’re sure to come arrest me, a trial without a body.

After all, it was me who last saw her alive.

A jury of my peers are sure to find me guilty as charged.

This is not a confession, my friends, least not what you think.

I didn’t kill my lover, yet I know they’ll never believe me.

I hope she’s still out there somewhere, safe and sound.

The whiskey has taken control, she couldn’t take it anymore.

She wrote a letter before she left, the judge will never see.

It reads:


I hope this letter finds you well,

I wish I could say the same.

You broke my heart, tore it apart,

and so I can no longer stay.

I’ve been with you for years,

Through the good times and bad.

I was there to comfort you,

the day they buried your Dad.

You have betrayed my trust,

something not many could do.

I forgave you for many things,

All I ever wanted was you.

Whiskey is your lover now,

At times you never came home.

I lay awake at night waiting,

not wanting to wake up alone.

So I leave you with one question,

it’s not a simple one to ask.

If I were to leave and not come back,

Would you finally put down your glass?

Your Lover

I burned the letter as soon as it was read,

I don’t care if they come arrest me.

Without my lover I cannot live.

My first true love was not a beautiful woman,

It was Poetry, and now I’m afraid she’s dead.

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