Dear Alcohol Poem by Justice Kwani

Dear Alcohol

Dear alcohol I know we not friends
You may not remember but we met back when I was turning 16
I was so young just a kid and didn't know what I was getting into
Even though our relationship lasted a weekend with no memories
I must say sometimes I miss you
Actually sometimes I need you.

See it's hard being sober all the time and not being able to fake a smile
It's hard no having plans for the weekend
So I chill with my demons instead
Sometimes I wish I could have the genuine laugh even if it's just for a night
Or live life to the fullest yes for just that night
Sometimes I wish I could really express my mind
I thought that, I will master in time.

The pressure on my shoulders is pulling me down
I'm not asking for much I just need you for a night
Can you be by my side
I will consume you with pride
I hope I'm not late cause my peers started with you a long time

I know you have a friend who can also numb the pain
His name is drugs
I'm so scared to approach him cause I might lose my mind
And I heard he is addictive
But I have a family waiting for me to provide

I hope I'm not asking for much
Just a little time with you is all I require

Let's numb this feelings together faster than Mcguire
Did I tell you I'm a musician maybe we can open a choir

Look Im dying inside
I'm in desperate need of your help
I know it ain't fair but life ain't fair
I've kneeled and still didn't help
But with you I know there will me a difference
Stop saying I don't wanna do this
Cause I'm ready
If it ain't good for me it might be good with me
You sound like millionnaires saying money don't buy happiness
Ohh alcohol I'm practically begging you
I can't do this on my own
Nobody is calling on my phone
Unless of cause they need something from my hell
One weekend is all I ask and I will be off your back

The little time I will Spend with you
I will have a deep
Conversation on how you complete me threw the night

Honestly being unique is not worth it
I also wanna go out like other kids
The future is nothing to look forward to
This room is a slow poison killing me
Save me
Save me
Save me
I'm the villain in this movie
If I overdose take me with.

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