Dear Oh Dear Poem by Wale Smyle

Dear Oh Dear

Dear Life,
You are the greatest gift every living possess
I try to live you to the fullest everyday
But I always left something behind today

Dear Love,
You are the sweetest feel anyone could ever know
You are strangest thing that happen to everyone
You make the strongest the weakest
It’s you also that make the weakest the strongest
You hear the drum of the rich but dance to the gong of the poor
You are full of sight yet you are blind
You are full of sound still you are deaf
You came without notice
You left without warning
What an absurdist you are

Dear Pain,
Feel you when am hurt
Feel you no more when am hurt more
You make me
You break me
I break you
I made me

Dear Time,
I know every second you move your hand
You are getting me closer to my dreams and dooms
You pass me something am as blithe as a sparrow
Most time as sad as a widow
Wish you could be my friend
With you I blend

Dear Boatman,
Sail gently
Paddle softly
I pray your boat never capsize
For the soul of my lost loved one
Get to the shore safely

Dear Oh Dear,
Its wasn’t my intension to leave
Don’t grieve for me
For it’s my destiny to be
Every smile you see
Over land and over sea
Though, shattered dreams are hard to fix
Fading emotions are hard to see
For life
It’s you and me

Dear Dream,

Will you ever come true?
Maybe you are just a nightmare
But I live every second to fulfil you
Till I get there
It’s you I will hold on to

Siyabonga A Nxumalo 29 November 2011

i really like it, Dear, oh dear, , , great one man! ! !

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Jacqui Broad 17 October 2011

Dear, oh dear, I enjoyed this. I always like to read what people write, while meditating. The thoughts you penned down, are deep. Keep writing... :)

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