Delivery Confirmation Poem by Kai Ford

Delivery Confirmation

I thought of you today and decided to mail you my care
Around my house I looked for a box large enough
To the post office I eagerly traveled
For you are certain to feel what you have admittedly been missing

I sent you my eyes
With them you could see how I see..the endless possibilites of we
Added my hands for good measure
With them you can always hold my hand
Even when it's your darkest day and your brightest night

I asked you what you thought of the sealed box w/my personals
A response of silence was given in exchange
Have no fear dear heart, there is always more to give to impress him
Jolted to the post office I sped

This time I sent my ears so you will always have a receiver
Added my lips & tongue for all the sinful pleasures imaginable
in addition to always having me around to talk to
Proudly I exited
Knowing THIS time, you surely would enjoy my package

I asked you what you thought of the sealed box w/my personals
A response of silence was given in exchange
Have no fear dear heart, there is always more to give to impress him
Jolted to the post office I sped

This time I sent my feet for now you will always have companionship
Again I asked you what you thought of the sealed box w/my personals
A response of silence was given in exchange
Have no fear, there is always more...

The remaining option of choice is my warm, bleeding, vibrant heart
At one time, off kilter from painstaking blows of misled trust
Beating slower than it's created pace, lessons learned restoring its resilience
And it is all I have left but the fear of your silence & the concern you will post
RETURN TO SENDER keeps me wondering if it should be sent at all

Bravely I send and I'm still awaiting a response
though the glimmer of hope for your acceptance is quickly fanishing day after day

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