Democracy Is Inherently Unjust, Negligent And Risky Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Democracy Is Inherently Unjust, Negligent And Risky

There is a better system of governance than this one
Certainly the founding fathers overlooked the other pieces of the puzzle
And in haste put together a rugged path for humanity
It is not a time proof method of governing people
Or an excellent way of paving the road of human progress
Democracy is fundamentally wrecked by its overindulgence in peace
Peace is but one corner of the complex structural and spiritual framework of the human organism
It is the darkness inside the human heart that was overlooked
And the house of wickedness was totally ignored
Democracy is over dependent on the goodness of the heart
Deception, lies, cheating and all the other evil tools of mankind were forgotten
Democracy was fundamentally doomed from the onset
It's a miracle that we are all still holding onto this noble philosophy
Even in the presence of systematic injustices and powerful governments
We still chant the old songs of "a government of the people by the people"
We still overlook our hungry neighbors and celebrate peace
We look away from our neglected women and children and celebrate freedom
It's total madness to hold peace in our hands while our children are starving to death
It's cruel to look the poor and sick in the eye and celebrate our electoral victories
Yes, democracy is far much better than other systems of governance
Yes, democracy has lifted humanity to higher places
Yes, democracy is academically palatable and tasty
But democracy is inherently unjust, negligent and risky
It's not the ballot paper that counts
It's the mind of the voter/elected that holds the key to hopelessness or hope
Democracy is skewed towards corruption and selfishness
With no room for Love
Certainly Love is an ancient system of governing the human heart
And Love is fundamentally geared towards peace, freedom, happiness and prosperity for all


Thursday, March 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: democracy,love,love and life,spirit,spirituality,suffering,wickedness
Kenneth Maswabi 06 March 2020

Hi Luke, i am glad you enjoyed. It is a piece meant to open a dialogue and stir some emotions. The reality is democracy have been hijacked by other forces that serve their own interest not those of the people. Thank you.

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Luke Missi 05 March 2020

loving this, this piece is awesome, well written, would love be friends with you.bigbrains

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Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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