Denouncements Poem by DM W


Rating: 5.0

I denounce the vast war machine of teeming male testosterone
And plagued patriarchies that discredit the Eternal Feminine.

I denounce the deadened minds that dominate in the corridors of power
And the regimented rhetoric that reduces consciousness.

I denounce the tribal deities that require constant sacrifice to maintain their control over fragile psyches.

I denounce the false preachers and prophets of hatred who proliferate in the shadow lands.

I denounce Mammon in all of its myriad forms and I despair of its devoted disciples.

I denounce the crucifiers of pure Imagination in callous, cut throat economies.

I denounce the mandarins of mainstream media whose task is to distract not to inform.

And I denounce the pitiful propaganda that propagates imbecile illusions of happiness.

Thursday, November 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: political
Shaun Cronick 04 October 2020

You couldn't speak, write or project it any better Dominic. A demanding to be heard mantra for the common and often enslaved by the establishment people's of all lands. Five stars for your clarion call of common sense for one and all to share. Thank you and I wish you well.

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Dominic Windram 12 October 2020

Thanks Shaun...this is a very angry one, but I'm pleased you appreciate it. Sometimes it's good to write a poem where you can just get things off your chest so to speak!

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