Depression Poem by chad fisher


When your depressed you don't want to go anywhere
But what is worse you just simply don't even care
You don't want to brush your teeth or comb your hair
You might shower, but that's just because your bored, not because you want to be clean
You want to stay home all day, eating cereal, and when you go out, you don't want to be seen.
You feel you don't exist, and you feel like if you did, then others wouldn't want to be around you
You're miserable to the bone, and you don't understand way, and you cry and cry until your face turns blue
And you often wonder what you did to make yourself feel this way,
Constantly praying for a happier and a brighter day,
But its the day that no matter how close you get to it, moves one step further down the road,
And you pray for someone or something to take off this depressing load...
You take medication, but your life stays the same...
And all you want to do is move far away and change your name
But even then, even if you did that, you wonder if you'd be truly happy
The ironic thing is this, when your depressed about being depressed that is the fullest misery
You don't want to move on, because you just want to go back
A time when joy was something you held dear and did not lack

chad fisher

chad fisher

Hattisburg Mississipi
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