Desert Area With Life Poem by Sandile mngadi.

Desert Area With Life

As she approached me
The only thing that appealed more was watery eyes
As I greeted it came to my view she was deeply hurt
The movement reflected that, it’s her heart that is walking not her

The journey home was very long
Full of humps and portholes
The swing of her arms, you could swear she was about to faint
Full of sadness and questions

For her to hear me
I repeated myself hello 5 times
I was not willing for her not to hear my greet
For that I could see, she forced herself to say hi

I stood while she walked pass
Hoping she would stop
I had to walk back to her and in-courage her, no matter what situation she is strong
Had hope that my words will give her light

I held her hand
I said out loud; you are never alone in situations
I knew that was going to make her open up
I let go of her hand
She turned looked at me 'If I am not alone then why did he choose her over me? '
I got puzzled for a minute then answered her 'He had to choose her so you can meet me'
She teared in my chest
I held her close: decided not to wipe her tears
They felt like rain water going in the dept of the new seeds

I asked to take her home
In the journey, I was reminding her of positive things that comes of any hard situation
Gently glance, I found a smile there and there
I cuddled her good bye
Gave her my number

She treasured the numbers as platinum found a deserted soil
Where villagers thought there is no hope, life and migrated to urban areas.
She phoned me every minute she got
We became more than just friends

Umhlaziyi Ozimele
Sandile Mngadi

Monday, August 31, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: hurt
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