Destruction Poem by Gert Strydom


At a time men didn’t hear
that utter destruction
and the end of their time
was near and for year after year
they laughed at Noah and his boat.

Water rising and falling from the sky
for forty days and nights without end.
Birds, animals and men
and even demons wept
and sobbed in great terror
for the end was near.

God tearing away his only Son
from his breast
and sending Him
to change from God to man.
He watched Him grow strong
and teach about humility, love
integrity and grace
even at his death
on the cruel cross.

The warnings are everywhere
that every thing is coming to an end
and every day the Creator
extends His hand
and gives more grace
and more grace is given
until justice demands the end.

Stars falling like rain showering
down through time and space,
the bright sun fading and departing
for a time,
the moon quivering and growing
more intense and changing
from white, to gold to red blood.

Men dying from famine, being destroyed
by disease spread by passion, declaring war
on each other
and living as if no God exists.

On His throne the most holy One waits
robed in linen
girded with gold,
His body sparkling like precious stones,
lightning on His face,
His eyes flaming like firelight,
on His head the crown of the night,
on the hem of His robe
unutterable words
and around Him a wonderful light
that goes beyond purity, integrity, justice,
peace and love.

He waits and waits
until the time, the day, the hour
of His judgement comes.

[References: Genesis 6-7: 24, Matthew 24: 29-30, Luke 21: 25-27, Daniel 7: 9 10: 5, Revelation 1: 13-16]

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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