Deus Ex Machina Part 1: Regrouping Poem by Navarun Mallick

Deus Ex Machina Part 1: Regrouping

The sun beateth down in all her radiance
Upon a world both young and old,
Illuminating the dark past left behing
In the struggle for a future that is but a mirage.
This world is not yet bereft of hope,
But hope for what? Hope for whom?
Long ago had the path to Heaven been severed.
The struggle to repair our own faults, now ignored,
Seemeth to have culminated in nought.
Too late have the angels seen,
Too late have their eyes been opened.
The charcoal they once abandoned in eternal pits of fire
Hath consumed in flames what they hath created.
Who shall now comfort a broken God,
Alone and abandoned in a wasteland of Her own making?
Long and hard hath been Her fall,
And deep were the wounds inflicted by Her own mistake.
Looking about Herself, She sayeth,
"Is this the world that I created?
Is this what my magnum opus hath come to?
Humans riseth, and riseth, and riseth even more,
But their stairway to Eden is just
Made of the incense which lieth on the altar
Where they hath sacrificed all good that there was.
Eternal fiend! Thou hast claimed them for thy own,
And thy power waxeth from their manic energy.
Thou think'st, much like the foolish humans,
That thou canst become me, God?
That will never happen; I am the only God
That this world, and all other worlds, need.
It is time to wrest back ownership of those humans,
And remind them of their true place beneath my feet,
In the eternal garden they call Eden, Paradise.
Devil, thou art but a setback; I will change humans,
The hour of their redemption is once more at hand.
Come forth from the Infinite, my legion of angels!
It is finally time to destroy the master of Hell! "
Saying thus, God riseth Her hand, and behold!
The light in the air seemeth to weave
The divine form of the vanquished Host of Angels.
Archangel Michael steppeth forward, and sayeth,
"Once have we failed to protect thy domain,
But this time, we shalt stand firm against the Darkness.
Lead on the way, God, and by thy infinite grace,
We shall recover what was lost to the Devil! "
And thus did Michael spread his wings once more,
And God's glory seemeth to shine once more on the eath.
One cannot help but think, of the time
When Christ hath descended on earth, to wage war against Sin.
From afar, however, from the very depths of Hell,
The ever-watchful eyes of the Devil see'th all.
He knoweth that the storm cometh soon at his doorstep,
So he spreadeth his wings, and flieth off.
Laughing demonaically, he sayeth, "Defeat me!
Well, dost thou think thou willst win then, God?
Come on then, entertain me once more! "
Thus did the Devil hurry to prepare,
To meet the moment destined to be his downfall,
The moment, called Deus Ex Machina.

Monday, December 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: action,epic,evil,fight,god,good,hate,human,humanity,philosophy
Navarun Mallick

Navarun Mallick

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