Devonshire Resting Place Poem by Daniel Bowyer

Devonshire Resting Place

This is where I come to die
The sky was bluer than I had ever witnesses in all the kingdom
The sand so clean no stones at my feet, a warm air in the sun
Clear waters, so clear it was unreal, Thought I was lost, maybe a fantasy
But no this Devonshire village was a real as I
Across the waters rolling lush green hills with beauty etched upon them
Never felt so at ease, Peaceful even, No one knows my name or who I was
Before I arrived in my haven for all time

Against gods miracle, I stand the contrast is clear, yet poetic
My hard lived face, anti-social and tired
Creased and scarred it says it all
But while my eyes that have viewed so much suffering and pain are fixed on this paradise
They are soothed, And the wind seems to perk my spirit for as long as it kisses me

And I left like we all do, Dreaming of this time of life which I may never return
But hope to God that I do
And if I may live or die in my perfect moment let it be this one

Daniel Bowyer

Daniel Bowyer

Leytonstone, London
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