Did You Ever Tell Her The Truth? Poem by June FeirCruz

Did You Ever Tell Her The Truth?

Did you ever tell her the truth?
Did you ever tell her, I didn't know you were lovers?
Did you ever tell her, I had no clue you were ever together?
Because you denied that you were ever involved.
Did you ever tell her, you never loved her?
Or did you lie to me too?
What is the truth?
Where does the truth lie?
Were you lying to me too?
Were you lying to her as much as you were lying to me?
All these time - I was made to feel as though I have broken
a covenant of two.
But there was never a covenant, you insisted
And yet, why cannot she let go?
It is because you do not make it easy for her to forget about you.
She has to see you in all her waking hours
You have to prance around in all your glory.
That must be so hard to bear....
You are torturing her
And you enjoy it too.


Barbara Terry 21 June 2009

You have said it through all the emotions a woman can summon in times like this. While not all men are like this, or so I am told, there are those that are, and they are the ones that make us wonder if the next man will be the same, so we go slowly. Some women throw caution to the wind, and go for the next guy anyway. This poem puts the whole cheating game in perspective and even the guys can see how we feel when things like this happen. The heart doesn't just break in these times, but shatters, and we try to put it back together again piece by piece. A 10+++++ and every woman knows how this feels. Love & hugs, Barbara

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Les Derbyshire 19 June 2009

A difficult subject. You show the depth of feeling, the pain, the anger, the sorrow. I think the variations in line length help to bring out the ebbing and flowing emotion here. Once again an expressive piece and an enjoyable experience, thank you June.

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