Diese Ist Nacht Poem by Rotting Korpse

Diese Ist Nacht

You walk outside and are surrounded by shadows
shadows of people who aren't even there.
You walk by a tree and it sheds a leaf.
It falls on you
and you leap in fear.
You see deinen schatten- your shadow.
You see yourself on that pale, gray sidewalk
as if it were the only light in your path.
Diese Ist Nacht.

You want to run away.
Run. Run my dear and escape your life!
Emerge from those f*cking shadows and be triumphant!
Show the world who you are-
what you can do.
Do it before Die Nacht.
Diese Ist Nacht.

Run my love,
grab the drink.
Offer it to your gods
and show them your devotion.
Now head home and rest Mein Schatz.
Sit down.
Play your piano.
Sing your heart out Meine Liebe.
Sing my love.
Walk up to your kitchen and drink the potion.
Sweet like hemlock.
Sip my love.
Drink it all, don't leave a drop
and go now.
Walk to your bedroom,
undo your bed,
rest your head on that pillow
and close your eyes.
Sweet dreams my darling.
But most importantly...
rest your soul.
Go dear!
Schnell! Schnell!
Let go of everything you hold onto.
Let go of my love.
I will miss you.
Gute nacht.
But always remember my dear...
Diese Ist Nacht.

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