Do You Know What Laser Told Me? Poem by Liza Sud

Do You Know What Laser Told Me?

Do you know what laser told me?
Do I have a right, power to say? -
'To the Christian faith to convert you' -
and what for? - you know, Mi-cha-El.

To convert you to Christianity,
And what can I do after this?
I'm trebling of your society,
and I feel safety in my bliss.

I feel frozen in state of constancy,
you explained it - of constant Light!
It's so powerful, so inflowing,
so dazzling human mind!

Just imagine: your seven millions -
You convert them to ROC!
God is smiling - Christ has saved Israel,
The whole world is in Unity!


А ты знаешь, что лазер сказал мне? -
есть ли сила сказать и право? -
обратить тебя в Христианство,
а зачем, Ми-ха-Эль, - ты знаешь.

обратить тебя в Христианство,
что я сделать теперь должна?
Я боюсь твоего 'братства',
безопасна в блаженстве я.

как мороз - Его постоянство,
Свет статичен - ты объяснял,
он столь мощный, и наполняет,
Он умы всегда ослепял!

Лишь представь - твои семь миллионов
обратились вдруг в РПЦ,
Спас Израиль - и Бог улыбнется,
и весь мир наш - в Единстве!

Thursday, October 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: secret
Daniel Brick 14 October 2016

Let me say from the deepest region of my heart, Liza: Do not talk about converting a Jew to Christianity. Let God do that in His time, pray to God but don't importune a Jew yourself. Oh, this is such a vexed issue: Jews have a saying, EVEN ONE IS TOO MANY, that is, even one Jew converted to Christianity is too many. And I learned that from my instructor in a course on Judaism for teachers of World Religion at Hamline University. He was Jewish and had dual citizenship in both the USA and in Israel. I KNOW YOUR HEART IS SINCERE: You want to share your joy as a Christian with Jews, but what will inevitably happen is to cause the Jew you try to convert terrible pain. I learned that from Elie Wiesel. BE PATIENT, BE A FRIEND TO JUDAISM, HONOR A JEWISH LEADER LIKE MICHAEL LAITMAN. And then Let Them Be in the fullness of God's revelation to them. The essence of Judaism is their Covenant with the Lord God who is ONE. Jews simply cannot accept the Trinity as the Lord God, to them it is as false as the deities they rejected throughout their history when God summoned them to be faithful to the First Commandment: I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD, DO NOT HAVE FALSE GODS. I learned that from one of my World Religion students, Hannah, who thanked me for showing absolute respect for her deep Judaic faith. There is a Christian poem set by Bach in one of his Cantatas: GOD'S TIME IS THE BEST TIME. Exactly, we must patiently await His fulfillment of all things heavenly and earthly. I learned that by listening to Bach's music.

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