Don't Go Through The Stop Signs Poem by Gary James Smith

Don't Go Through The Stop Signs

Rating: 5.0

Don't Go Through The Stop Signs

Don't go through the Stop signs
In making your decision for Jesus Christ
Stop and meditate awhile
On the purpose for His Sacrifice
Who without one sin in Himself
Would die for sinful men
Think about it! Think about it!
This was the Master's plan...

Our disobedience afresh each day
Just multiplies our sin
And leaves us in a vulnerable way
And under God's condemnation
Praise God for the grace of God
Available when we repent
Think about it! Think about it!
It will be a time well spent

Popular are the worldly ways
The Devil's devious nature
To try and allure you away from God
He does it every day here
Just now stop what you're doing
This is important to think here
Think about it! Think about it!
Is your mind in a heavenly sphere?

You know your days are numbered
One day it will!
Then your life is over here
But then where will you go?
The Bible says there's two places
One called Heaven...the other called Hell
Think about it! Think about it!
It's your decision pray tell!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright November 17202011: 07 PM

Gary James Smith

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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