Dream But Not Of Death Poem by me poet yeps poet

Dream But Not Of Death

Rating: 5.0

Dying and Dreaming both have a D common

Never think of dying
we all know
we all will die one day
we came with a return ticket
not only one way

So dream and enjoy
I have been dying too
since ages past
yet I am alive in front of you
as in many decades
lives parts of me

Read my Sunset Poetry
Dying is a small part
we all have come to go

Read my Mom's Smiles
she went away long ago
I still smile
as she keeps calling
I ask her mom now is you alone
she just smiles...

So keep Dreaming
without a dream
a scream you can never enjoy
what a lovely dream no life
be it a day dream
a night dream
yes just scream
at the pitch of your voice
let neighbors come and see
what was all the noise

Ah ‘twas in your dream
they had never had even heard ever before
then they laughed


dream muchly more

So forget all about dying

Dream But Not Of Death
Monday, October 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: dream,life and death,love and dreams,poetic expression
Kumarmani Mahakul 26 October 2017

Life is continuous. Soul never dies. This leaves body. In eternal journey life continues. Many fear to death by nightmares and many think about this. This is a path to renew life. An amazing poem is beautifully presented. This is very thoughtful with brilliant nice picture...10

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Binayakumar Mohanty 23 October 2017

A sketch of bitter realily inspires me a nostalgic way..Nicely crafted poem.Deserves 10+++Thanks for sharing.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 24 October 2017

Kindness Binay K M for such a lovely comment do read my poem moms smiles it will bring tears to ur eyes and later smiles

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