Dreams Became Longings Poem by Umair Waseem

Dreams Became Longings

Dreams become Longings

Mostly the way we think, the way we dream
Nothing according to plan and the result is a scream

I was here in the most intelligent and the finest cream
In the beginning, so ambitious and too much keen

The facts and the realities, later on, showed me
I am the most non deserving part of the scheme

The play played here again jogs my memory,
Selfishness is the most demanded role of the scene

The roles attributed to me never find resemblance with my aims
My aims and intentions are now the part of the longings' team

I cannot walk with the script, have been assigned me
Caused burden, stress and tension and an upset to my mind

I want to live the span of my life without counting
Mathematics is the sting that bitted all my joyful dreams

The fact is clear and transparent to all of thee
The most lazy, dull and null minded is only me

The world is a killer its better you perceive
Here the result of every dream is merely a scream!

Muhammad Umair Waseem 23 June 2010

Nice poem. Based on the treasure of student life

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Umair Waseem

Umair Waseem

Fort Abbas, Pkistan
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